When entering the Doors of Hope program, there are many questions that may arise for individuals and families. Below you’ll find a few common questions and answers to help. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.

How much does it cost?

We understand that individuals released from prison or rehab often have limited resources. That’s why we can cover the program costs for indigent clients. Once a client is employed and receives their first paycheck (usually around week 5 or 6), the cost is $150 per week. This includes all expenses, from toothpaste to transportation.

How long do I stay?

Everyone’s needs are different, but the program is designed to last 12 months. This duration allows time to establish a good recovery program (a year’s sobriety), achieve financial stability, and meet other essential goals for the client’s success. We also adhere to court orders for individuals under furlough. Typically, the stay duration ranges from 8 to 12 months. Statistically, individuals who complete at least 12 months in the program exhibit greater success and significantly lower recidivism rates.

How many women will I be staying with?

Rooms are set up for two clients to share, with approximately 5-10 people per house, depending on the specific location.

I have no car, how will I get to work?

Doors of Hope offers safe transportation services through staff or volunteer drivers who can take clients to work, appointments, probation meetings, the grocery store, and other essential places. We also provide Rover tickets and encourage clients to utilize public transportation whenever it is feasible.

What about seeing my family?

Visits to and from family are allowed as long as they are safe, approved, and scheduled with the housing director. Family members are not allowed inside any of the residences. Family members must provide a valid driver’s license if you will be riding with them. Our top priority is to ensure your safety and sobriety.

Please explain the Pathways of the program

Freshman Quarter- Days 1-90

  • 1st 30 days- Blackout period and re-entry basics

  • 30-90 days- Full-time employment and continuing re-entry basics

Sophomore Quarter- Days 91-180

  • Full-time employment, continuing with re-entry basics

Junior Quarter- Days 181-270

  • Full-time employment, continuing with re-entry basics

Senior Quarter- Days 271-365

  • Transitional planning, full-time employment, continuing with re-entry basics

Do I have to stay a year?

No, unless the court orders it.

What immediate needs do you provide?

Doors of Hope provides food and clothing upon entry. Food will continue to be provided until food stamps or employment are secured. During the initial 30 days, we will also cover the cost of your identification, birth certificate, and social security card.

How do I apply and how long is the waiting list?

You can fill out an application using our online form, or you can request a copy to be mailed to you by calling our office. Once your application is submitted, please call our office to schedule a phone interview. It’s important to know that we maintain a waiting list, and we can only reserve spaces if you have a confirmed release date.

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